Special Events


Parent Orientation – In August, a parent orientation is held to welcome new and returning families to preschool, prekindergarten and young 5’s. The evening begins with a meet and greet, and is followed by an informational meeting with an opportunity to visit classrooms.

Family Open House – Every fall an evening open house is held for all prekindergarten, preschool, young 5’s families. Families have an opportunity to see the classrooms, talk to teachers and meet other families whose children attend Somerset Academy.

Parent Coffees – All parents are invited to attend parent coffees which are held two to three times a year. These informal gatherings offer parents a chance to meet with the school director and other staff members to discuss Early Childhood related topics.

Parent Seminars – Somerset Academy hosts evening parent seminars that present topics supporting early childhood development. Speakers provide information relevant to the education of young children. Past topics have included Conscious Discipline and understanding children’s behaviors.

Parent Teacher Conferences – In an effort to communicate with families and develop relationships, parents and teachers meet twice a year to assess children’s development, skill levels and progress along with setting goals for future growth.

Field Trips – Prekindergarten and young 5 classes participate in field trips outside of the school to extend learning beyond the classroom. In the past, these have included the Lloyd A. Stage Nature Center and the Cranbrook Science Museum. In addition, special visitors are brought into both classrooms at various times throughout the school year.

Month of the Young Child – Each April, Michigan’s communities celebrate the Month of the Young Child. This is supported by inviting parents and community members to share information with children and spend time in the classroom.

Art Exhibit – An annual school art exhibit is held during one of the last weeks of the school year. Each child is represented by one piece of art work. Children, parents and community members have an opportunity to visit the exhibit during school or evening hours throughout a two day period.

Troy Preschool Expo – Somerset Academy participates each year in a Preschool Expo sponsored by the Troy Library and held at the Troy Community Center. The school joins other community early childhood centers in an effort to provide information to families.

School Picnic – Troy’s Jaycee Park is the location of an annual family picnic in celebration of the end of the school year. Staff enjoys this opportunity to spend time with families in an informal setting.