The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is Michigan’s state-funded preschool for eligible four-year-old children with a focus on supporting children’s development of school readiness skills. The program is administered by the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP), Office of Great Start (OGS). Research on preschool programs and specific research on GSRP indicates that children provided with a high-quality preschool experience show significant positive developmental differences when compared to children from the same backgrounds who did not attend a high-quality preschool program.

To support learning at home and increase positive child outcomes, programs must provide for active and continuous involvement of parents in the learning process. Through advisory meetings, parents assist to evaluate and make recommendations about the program.

Some aspects of our unique program are listed below.

  • The GSRP program meets Monday-Thursday from 9am-4pm
  • Class size will be limited to eighteen (18) children with two teachers.
  • Our curriculum is the Project Approach. This child-led learning provides authentic experiences, based on the children’s interests and needs, through provocations, discussion, research and creation while the teachers incorporate objectives from the Michigan Early Childhood Standards of Quality.
  • Included in the curriculum are areas of content such as language and early literacy, creative exploration, physical education, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, social/emotional development, and handwriting.
  • The enrollment process is two-step: Our online registration (found under the registration tab), and enrollment and document submission in the Great Start system. 

Per state guidelines, priority is given to families at or below 500% the Federal Poverty Level. 

Please contact the school for additional information
(248) 643-8404